Looking to boost your revenue?

Join eFAQ’s affiliate program! In a few easy steps, you can start generating income today. Add a text link or banner ad to your site, or launch a campaign across the internet… and start earning!

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You’ll earn 75% commission on every sale + recurring revenue on subscriptions!

Join the hive and start earning

eFAQ is a leading provider of public records, with millions of visitors. By adding a banner or text ad to your site, you can earn big commissions on every sale. With every eFAQ subscription purchased through your referral, you earn a 75% commission!

bee hive
  • Generate Traffic, Earn Revenue
  • No Limits on earned income
  • Partner with a trusted brand
  • The best commission rates
  • Join risk-free with zero cost

You earn 10% on all recurring subscriptions after initial purchase.

Unlimited Earnings

By promoting eFAQ, you can drastically increase your earnings. You can share your referral link on social media or reach out to potential customers. With eFAQ, you can generate income in countless ways and achieve your financial goals.

uncapped potential

Keep Track of Everything

Access your affiliate Dashboard for analytics and data to optimize your strategy and make data-driven decisions. Keep track of which campaigns perform best to adjust your approach and drive more traffic. Leverage our insights to maximize earnings and grow your business.

track and optimize

Zero Cost, High Commission

eFAQ offers high commission rates, benefiting both our partners and customers. Generous rates allow partners to invest in their business and grow their customer base, which helps us improve our product and offer better services to customers. Our mission is to provide the best experience for partners and customers.

more money in your wallet